Monday 2 March 2009

The Lady: A Contradiction

Do you remember a time in your life when you were so "rest-less" with your situation that you couldn't decide if you were coming or going? I think this is what the Lady of Shalott must have been experiencing in this poem. As I read and reread her story, I couldn't help but notice what a contradiction she is. In line 64, "But in her web she still delights / To weave the mirror's magic sights." She doesn't seem to be at all dissatisfied with her situation, but she delights in her work and all that she is able to see in the mirror. Just a few lines later the words tell a very different story. In line 71, " 'I am half sick of shadows,' said / The Lady of Shalott." You can feel her dismay which follows so quickly after her delight. Is this not the essence of restlessness, the turmoil we often feel inside to be out and doing?
On a side note, I keep going back to the recording of this poem that we heard in class. It has so much life in it when accompanied by the music. Perhaps Tennyson envisioned it being told in such a way. Though he didn't have the music, he certainly had the words. :)

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