Tuesday 14 April 2009

Guilty of Neglect

I probably should not be admitting this on a blog that our teacher reads, but I didn't really give much thought to our paper because I was so wrapped up in the novel. I enjoyed the movie version of "The Remains of the Day." I can't imagine why I never thought to read the book. I quickly saw how stellar it is and wasn't able to put it down over the weekend.
I don't want to ruin anything for those of you that haven't finished it yet, but I'll just quickly say what a fantastic character Stevens is. He is written so simply yet he embodies a sort of complexity which he mostly ignores in place of duty and dignity. I think he is a perfect personification of the Britain that once was, all virtues and faults included.
Slacking off and not writing my paper until the last minute was actually a wise decision on my part because my topic was influenced heavily by my reading of "The Remains of the Day."
Happy reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. You are quite brave to admit such obvious slacking, Jaree. But if it means I will get a paper on Remains of the Day, I'm pleased. Since it comes at the end, I hadn't expected anyone to write about it. I just finished re-reading the book myself about 20 minutes ago, and it was as moving as ever. That scene at the bus stop always crushes me. It's so, so sad, yet so right. I will say no more for those of you still reading! See you in a bit.
