Tuesday 10 February 2009

Completely Random Side-Note

I just love that there are so many perspectives about the poems we are reading. I used to stop and think that a writer must be twisting in their grave by the way I slaughter their intentions through my own assumptions. However, I have had an epiphany and come to the conclusion that they probably love the symphony of thought that stems from discussions of their writing. Speaking only for myself, I love being able to read every one's response and being enlightened by a perspective I never would have thought of on my own. Though our conclusions may not be theirs, though our ideas be out in left field or no: isn't it the journey that makes the difference and not necessarily the destination?

This is a picture that comes to mind when I think of Romantic poetry. It just says to me "the possibilities are endless."


  1. What is wrong with you? Your making the rest of us look bad. Now I have to step it up. Thanks!

  2. Ben, Ben, this isn't a competition. lol. We are all just learning from each other and being enlightened by different observations.
