Monday 9 February 2009

A Face of Significance

In Ozymandias, it was ironic that Shelley was sure to point out the face of the statue still existing. When you think of a statue wearing away, you would think extremities like the nose, mouth, etc. would be first to wear away, ridding the statue of details. But the facial expression of Ozymandias remains, perhaps reminding us what is remembered in history. How often are those full of power remembered for goodness? We are quick to notice the bad, and those things leave a lasting impression on our human minds. We can't pretend like certain events haven't happened, but there will always be a greater good. It is also ironic to think of little tiny grains of sand, wearing away a huge, stone statue. Although there is corruption, grief, or sorrow in this world, nature will always take it's course, like Emily and others have said.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting point, that the sand didn't wear away the details first. I didn't catch that but it really is significant! Hmm.
