Tuesday 3 February 2009

Hotel California

The prologue to the Kubla Khan suggests that Coleridge fell asleep after taking his medicine; it neglects to come straight out and say his medicine was Opium and that he more likely was in a drug induced sleep for several hours rather than taking a quiet little nap. With that knowledge now in play it is easier to understand why Coleridge was able to furiously write a few lines, then after an interruption which took him away from his writing for over an hour (sufficient detox period when combined with his little nap) he found that he could not exactly remember nor continue on the same vein.
The poem did remind me of the song by the Eagles, "Hotel California", because there is something about the draw of the "stately pleasure-dome" in the sky that makes you want to see what lies within, see the gardens, and smell the fragrence in the air, but at the same time you know that warnings of "Beware, Beware" exist all around. Once inside the pleasure-dome you find that there are endless caverns and from inside are issued crys of endless turmoil. The palace with its caves of ice seem to be lifeless tombs ready to draw in any unsuspecting victem that falls prey to the melodious music that draws them there like the pied piper leading the children away.

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