Thursday 29 January 2009

Actors of our own reality

First of all, I've never posted on a blog before, so replying to comments about the influence of technology, I feel pretty darn inadequate.
When I read lines 99-103 I couldn't help but think of my little nephews, ages two and three, who are so excited about everything and anything new! They also are quick to gravitate towards anything you seem to be remotely interested in. If you like it, they have to have it! Constantly fighting over each others toys, they always want what they don't have. "Ere this be thrown aside, / And with new joy and pride / The little Actor cons another part" (lines 100-102). Are we as a society very far from being "little Actors" in our own reality?
Some of us that have commented have brought up how we get older and lose our child-like ways, but I believe we still hold some of these ways. Who doesn't still see something bigger and better and want it for themselves? Fads come and go, phones get nicer, ipods hold more space, the world gets faster paced, and we move on to different things to fill up our "stage". Someone commented that the sad thing is we have done it to ourselves; I agree wholeheartedly. Perhaps it is human nature that we feel this way, and sometimes it can't all be bad. We simply want to better ourselves and to make our dreams come true! Although our dreams may have changed from when we were younger, we still have our fantasies. What we do with our dreams and aspirations is up to us as individuals. Perhaps our child-like fantasies are the ones that get us into debt and waste our time in front of the tv, but our adult-like fantasies are the ones that will lead us to be more productive and give lasting happiness in our life.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, Tiera, you are the perfect person to be commenting about the influence of technology because you are outside its influence (at least as far as blogs go). It is I, who have forced you to blog, who should feel inadequate. I am the shades of the prison house! :)
