Thursday 29 January 2009

The Wonder of Childhood

This isn't really a response to any of the prompts, but the most overwhelming feeling I got from reading Wordsworth's Ode is that of not just a lament of childhood innocence lost, but also a loss of the feeling of wonder and excitement at the newness of everything in life that a child experiences. I'm grateful, however, that the tone of the poem wasn't just one of sadness, but also of hope, fond memory, and optimism for the future. Yes, everyone loses most of the naivete and innocence of childhood as they grow older, but the memories of being children can't be taken away from us, and we can also focus on things we gain from the wisdom of experience as we age. I think this is a big part of the meaning that Wordsworth was trying to convey. We can look backwards with regret, or we can look forward with appreciation and determination to make the best of what still lies before us.

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