Thursday 29 January 2009

the curious cage of society

I loved what Jaree said. It is a curious thing that in our world today, we manufacture childhood in a way. Oftentimes when looking back on childhood, we recall pop culture or the toys we loved. Children are now growing up addicted to television, computers, nintendo, and whatever else is out there. the sad part: we did this to ourselves. We made nature work for us instead of trying to understand and commune with what's out there. It's just as Wordsworth says: as soon as we are born, the cage descends on us. Is it even possible to break free anymore? Technology is creeping in to every single facet of daily life. Sometimes I wonder if it's good or bad. It makes things easier, to be sure; but I also think as a whole we are too complacent, too sure of ourselves. Our society is crushing down on the individual, squandering what life was left in imagination. We let the world think for us. Is there a way to come back from that, collectively as a society?

1 comment:

  1. This thread about technology and science has become an interesting topic. Today it seems more and more that we get wrapped up in science and technology therefore we neglect the glorious natural beauties around us. Wordsworth has the impact on me that nature and silence is a great tool for us to gain knowledge. I picture two battles: science/technology and purity/nature. S&T tends to be loud and full of distrations and confusion whereas P&N tend to always be described as calmness, and a quiet atmosphere (like the monestary near a stream). I believe it was Jaree who suggested that we should turn off the Nintendo and take more time to enjoy the bliss and wonders of nature around us. I agree 100%. Life is short and if we don't take time to enjoy it we will miss it.
